

I use to dread doing Cardio at the gym and I know many people do as well. Normally, I would lean on the treadmill’s dashboard and hold the handlebars while being zoned out. Sometimes, I would cut my cardio short because I felt like I wasn’t motivated enough to continue… I would tell myself, why is cardio so hard for me at the gym? I knew there had to be ways to make cardio days easier and less dreading.
So I started experimenting because I was determined to make the 30 minutes of cardio go faster and be less boring!

The 5 steps to make an Enjoyable 30 minutes of Cardio go by fast

  1. Use Time remaining setting
    The majority of Cardio Machines nowadays, have different settings and those can make it or break it for me.  Just put it this way, I rather not look at how much I’ve done because if not my brain automatically wants to give up.  Time remaining seems easier for me mentally to take in, either way, sometimes I don’t like it. It’s a constant battle! Do what’s best for you and you will find this helpful!
  2. Entertainment is Key
    Having music has always seemed to trigger motivation for me. Many people would agree with me on this because I see many if not all people using earphones/headphones at the gym.
    I also use Netflix on my phone when I’m doing cardio because why not kill two birds with one stone! Right? Might as well pick a series you have been dying to see and watch it while you are intensely working out.
    Lately, I’ve been addicted to a podcast called “Serial” and also, have tried listening to personal growth/development books like “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. By the way, I strongly recommend both of these!!! They are so GOOD! I just can’t seem to get enough!
    All these have helped the time go by faster and next thing you know my workout has been completed!
  3. Switch every 10 minutes
    Having the thought of running for 30 minutes, already sounds like something I wouldn’t like to do. I tend to get lazy, bored of running, and I just end up deciding saying “this is good enough for me today”.  But it doesn’t have to be that way. RIGHT?

    What if we can still do our 30 minutes of cardio but make it less mentally draining.

    Would this be a better way to approach this?
    What I do now is, I break my cardio routine up into 10-minute increments. I don’t take a break, instead, I switch up machines to change the scenery up a little. I’ll do 10 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the elliptical, and finally 10 minutes on the treadmill. The stair climber can also be considered cardio but is a low-impact workout.
    This has helped me a lot in breaking that mental barrier and I bet it will work for you as well! It’s so much easier to push yourself to do 10 minutes of cardio rather than 30 minutes.
    I have also found that by doing high-intensity intervals for 10 minutes, it tends to keep me more engaged versus going at a steady pace.
    *TIP: High-intensity interval training is the best way to burn fat. 

  4. Try the Gym Classes
    A lot of the classes that your gym offers are cardio based which will help replace the treadmill and etc. It just depends on what type of class and instructor you have. Usually, Zumba, Spin, Kickboxing, and HIIT are high-intensity cardio classes.
    Make sure to still manage and get some lifting 45 minutes prior to your class.
    If you haven’t noticed yet, these tips are all about distracting your mind into thinking you are not actually doing cardio.  Tricking the mind is a great idea, so you don’t constantly want to try and stop your cardio routine. Hey, whatever works to get the job done! Right?
  5. Use the Visuals 
    At the gym, most machines have a picture of a track in order to know where you are. Not going to lie but I love these because I like to run on one side of the track and jog on the other. Switching up the routine is the best way to go and honestly, time goes by faster then you think with this method.Don't-dread-doing-cardioWhat is your favorite cardio class? or Routine?



  1. Lucy

    November 10, 2018

    I’m a regular gym-goer and I always find cardio incredibly boring and I always want to finish it up early. But this post has gotten me motivated to go the gym and get my cardio on! A great post! x

    • Yoli

      November 11, 2018

      I’m so glad this post has gotten you motivated to get your cardio on!

  2. Ashley

    November 10, 2018

    Love this!!!

    • Yoli

      November 10, 2018

      Glad you love it !!

  3. Atila

    November 11, 2018

    Yolima, loved the article!

    I have started going to the gym recently and I’m planning to start doing cardio twice a week as well.

    Since you are in a great shape and clearly an expert, can you tell me what are some beginner friendly cardio exercises that you recommend for newbies like myself?

    Thank you!

    Atila Irmes

    • Yoli

      November 12, 2018

      Atila, well it all depends on what you want to achieve like if you want to lose weight jogging or running on the treadmill is best. On the contrary, if you want to keep muscles mass do short sprints.

  4. Vox

    November 11, 2018

    What I do is to do my social media posting for our blog at the same time, so that it’s a win-win. I get up at 4, hop on the treadmill with my cell phone propped on the treadmill ledge, and trot while I participate in Facebook groups. Even on the days when I am tempted to quit, once I start participating in a blog comment thread—like this one—I look up and 45 minutes have passed. When I know I only have 15 minutes to go, it is much easier to finish up. Thanks for sharing great ideas! 💡

    • Yoli

      November 14, 2018

      Oh wow this is another awesome idea never thought of this one! Thank you for sharing this !

  5. Johnny

    November 11, 2018

    Very handy tips Yoli! I love the fact cardio machines have streaming services like Netflix and YouTube built in. It’s definitely a helpful distraction. The thing is I found with fitness classes as well are that you are with people, who can give you that extra motivation to keep going longer than you normally would’ve if working out

    • Yoli

      November 12, 2018

      Well that’s even better that your machines have netflix in them! That’s so true that other people can motivate you which can be great if you need it like me sometimes!

  6. Jackie

    November 11, 2018

    Ooh great advice! I hate cardio as well but I have to force myself to do it. On the flip side I can easily include a 5k walk in my day and enjoy that zo I dont know why it’s so hard at the gym!!

    • Yoli

      November 11, 2018

      I think is harder at the gym for you since you aren’t having a change of scenery so the mind focuses on timing and distance more

  7. Sedistyles

    November 11, 2018

    I’ve got to try the Netflix while on the treadmill

    • Yoli

      November 11, 2018

      Yes you should it definitely helps big time!

  8. Gemma Stringer

    November 13, 2018

    Love the tips – I also like the gyms that have televisions as I can watch an episode of something and boom – I did 30 minutes on the cross trainer, and I agree with you about time remaining instead its much nicer to look at the number and think oh just another minute.

    • Yoli

      November 14, 2018

      Exactly! Mentally it’s so nice and relieving to just have a minute left !

  9. Ash

    November 14, 2018

    This is great advice! I will definitely be trying the switching it up advice! Running 10 minutes at a time sounds so much more doable than 30!

    • Yoli

      November 15, 2018

      Yes, you should definitely consider switch the routine. Glad you found this helpful!

  10. Elisha

    November 15, 2018

    I’m going to try the 10 minute intervals. That’s a clever idea. I have a stationery bike at home. So I’ll do 10 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes walking the stairs and 10 minutes of something else. Thanks for the tip.

    • Yoli

      November 15, 2018

      No problem elisha, I’m glad this blog helped you see the 30 min routine in a different perspective!

  11. Charlotte Rick

    November 15, 2018

    Great post!! I always watch stuff whilst doing Cardio which I find makes it go so much quicker. I’ve recently also been getting into classes which are great! x

    • Yoli

      November 15, 2018

      That’s amazing and that’s the way to do it to make time go faster!

  12. Rajesh

    November 18, 2018

    very useful information must try these all 5 tricks
    thanks for posting 🙂

  13. Annick

    December 7, 2018

    I used to hate cardio but then I started using a “time remaining timer” like you mentioned and it’s honestly super motivating! For me, entertainment is also key (good music for example). The ideas you outlined in here are so good and helpful! Thank you for sharing!

    • Yoli

      December 14, 2018

      So glad this method has helped you greatly !!

  14. Ashley

    December 8, 2018

    Great tips! You mention doing weights before cardio, I’ve always done it after. What’s the benefit of doing it before?

    • Yoli

      December 14, 2018

      Actually is just my preference of doing it before since Cardio isn’t my favorite thing.

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